Thursday, 10 November 2011

The Derby City Council Adults Health and Housing Commission has now produced a report, read the whole report here. 

Here are the Reports main Conclusion and Recommendations

 Derby City Council 

31 October 2011

Report of the Adults Health and Housing Commission
Review of proposals to reconfigure Psychodynamic Psychotherapy


47. The Commission received evidence from a range of organisations and
individuals on the PCTs proposals to reconfigure psychodynamic psychotherapy
services. The key message from service users, staff and unions is that there
has been a high degree of confusion over the consultation process which could
have been avoided had the PCT been clear from the start about its intentions
and what it wanted to achieve. The initial documents presented to the
Commission and subsequent the confirmation through email stated that the PCT
had already taken a decision to phase out psychodynamic psychotherapy
services. It also expected the provider Trusts to reassess individuals on whether
they should be receiving psychodynamic psychotherapy services. A direct
consequence of this approach was that the provider trust began issuing
redundancy notices to its staff. This was prior to the start of the consultation
from 1 August.

48. Evidence considered by the Commission provides a strong case supporting
continuation of psychodynamic psychotherapy services. However, the Scrutiny
Commission does not feel it should dictate the level of psychological therapy
services over other types of provision such as CBT to be commissioned by the

49. The Commission does not feel it is in apposition to favour the level of provision
of psychological therapy services over other types of provision such as CBT.
There is evidence that both are effective for certain conditions and both need to
be retained to provide patient choice.

50. The Commission was also very concerned that service changes had already
begun to be implemented by the provider trust before proper consultation had
been started let alone be completed. This should not have happened. This
approach has caused anxiety and stress for service users as well as staff and
could have been avoided.
51. The Commission is not qualified to make recommendations about the level of
Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Services to be in the city. However, it is
important for patients that require this service to be able to access it. The
Commission heard that the reason there was no demand in the North of the
County was because it was not commissioned in the north and therefore there
would be no referrals.
52. The Commission was concerned that this is the second time reconfiguration of a
psychological therapy services has been carried out without following proper
procedures. This is unacceptable. It has caused anxiety and stress for service
users as well as staff which could have been avoided. The Commission
recommends that the PCT follows proper procedures and consults its
stakeholders during any substantial reconfiguration of its services.
53. After having considered the evidence on the proposals for reconfiguration of
psychodynamic psychotherapy services in Derby and Derbyshire the
Commission recommends:
1. The Trust retains psychodynamic psychotherapy services as part of a
balanced treatment service.

2. That access to psychodynamic psychotherapy services is made fair and
equitable across Derby and Derbyshire.

3. That the Trust should seek to equalise rather than reduce the level and
quality of service provision in Derby and Derbyshire.